Saturday, April 28, 2007
Bio-kick! Bio-sword! Bio-gesic!
I just found out that there are complete Bioman and Maskman episodes on YouTube!
(Now, if any of you can say where I can get cheap DVDs, that'll be lovely!)
In the meantime, I'll settle with what I have!
Childhood regression once again! :D
Click HERE to watch the YouTube videos :D Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Twisted Ankle
It was another Tuesday night, and I was on my way to prayer
meeting from work. To go to the jeep terminal I had to cross the bright
pink-and-blue structures that’s smack in the middle of the busy Aurora Ave-EDSA
intersection. A lethal combination of tiredness, sleepiness, stress and
‘daydreaming while walking’ made me miss the last step down and twist my ankle.
Fortunately I fell on my knees, instead of on my face. It
was hard to stand up (coz my ankle started swelling up then), and I just tried
to laugh it off while saying a silent prayer for protection from snatchers and
the well being of my ankle. I slowly made my way to a waiting jeep, and made it
to the meeting.
Every now and then we hit a snag in our daily routine that
makes us fall on the ground: a nasty breakup, you lose your job, you fail an
exam or you lose a loved one. The burden that we feel seems so heavy that we
sometimes feel that we cannot recover from that fall anymore.
But we CAN recover. Eventually, we will rise from our
situations triumphant over our adversities. That’s a promise. And the Lord
doesn’t make promises that He does not keep.
The suffering won't last forever. It won't be
long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and
glorious plans they are! —will have you put together and on your feet for good.
(1 Peter 5:10, The Message, emphasis added)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The One I Asked the Lord For
It doesn’t help that relatives bug you why, at your age now, you are still unattached, blaming it on your physical appearance or your standards (high or otherwise), followed by threats of being left behind by your peers, or the expiration of your egg cells (for women), and a bleak future of dying alone, old and sagging and sad.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? YES, and one more question about my singleness and I’m gonna run out screaming, you say.
Tell me about it.
I have never had a boyfriend. Ever. And yes, I admit, it sucks at times. I’ve cried out to the Lord a lot of nights, asking why I have not found “the one”, why I don’t get flowers on Valentine’s Day, why no guy asks me out for a date. It even occurred to me that probably I might live my whole life single (considering the number of close relatives I have who are bachelors and old maids). It decreased my self-confidence, made me bitter, scared, and made me lower my standards.
One night I was praying, and I was talking to Him again about my love life (or lack thereof). I had just renewed my acceptance of Jesus and was rebuilding my relationship with Him, and was telling Him what I wanted in a partner, and noticed a change in my ‘preferences’. As I live a new life in the Lord and in His service, I want my future hubby to put the Lord first, above all else, and should be passionate about Him and, hopefully, serves Him also. I realized that if a man has those qualities, all the other nice things would follow (kindness, thoughtfulness, chivalry, etc). Of course, being good-looking won’t hurt, also, I told Him.
I have been asking for a man with those qualities, a man who will be worthy of my hand, whom I can look up to, respect, serve, love and adore. I’d like to call him “Sam” from Samuel, which meant “I have asked him from the Lord” (1 Samuel 1: 20b). This is what his mother Hannah decided to name him, after she, a barren woman, asked the Lord for a child, and He heard her cry.
I asked, “Lord how is Sam doing? How did his day go? When can I meet him?”
All I got was, “WAIT.”
And so I wait. As of today, there’re still no flowers delivered, no phone calls, no propositions. But I still continue to pray for this man, whom I believe exists. And every day the Lord assures me of this man’s existence, of how He is using this man in His service, molding him to be the worthy partner for me, the more I praise the Lord’s name, and grow to love ‘him’. Yes, I love this man, even if I don’t know him yet. And I’d like to believe that he loves me as well. But for now, he still has a lot of work to do for the Lord. And so do I. I am looking forward for that day that I will meet Sam face to face.
"But than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well" Matthew 6:33 (Contemporary English Version)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Countryside development
Anyway, I started last Friday (the 13th!) at the Corporate Affairs Department of LANDBANK. I never thought I would actually use my Civil Service Eligibility certification.
So far, so good. I get to write here. A lot. Sometimes I do more than that. Corporate communications has a lot of demands, especially if you're doing it for a company as big as this one. Busy, busy, busy.
I am enjoying it :)
My colleagues (led by my boss) are nice, accomodating, patient and, most important of all, crazy. My kinda crowd :p hehe
Now, my rural banks and cooperatives are waiting for me.